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The UpNano technology on ServusTV 

Associated Cluster member UpNano is once more standing in the spotlight. A report on PM Wissen, which aired on the Austrian TV channel ServusTV, focused on the start-up from TU Vienna and its revolutionary technology. 

Via two-photon polymerization fine details of less than 100 nm can be achieved in high speed. In contrast to conventional 3D printing, where the material is deposited layer-by-layer, structures are produced by localized femtosecond laser induced solidification. Only when multiple photons hit the material simultaneously, polymerization occurs. 

One of their devices is already in use at the Medical University of Vienna: Professor Francesco Moscato (our newest Cluster member) and his team create surfaces with various nanostructures to determine their potential antibacterial properties. Inspired by nature, they aim to develop implants with antibacterial surface characteristics. 

The report can be watched online via the PM Wissen webpage (German only).